Robert Brown Wins Peacemaker of the Year Award
Robert Brown, Associate Director of CCED–Flint, was recently awarded the Peacemaker of the Year by the Genesee County Committee for Community Peace. The presentation was made at the Annual Peace Day Celebration on Saturday, October 12, 2019. “I am very honored and humbled for receive this award. Peacemaking is essential in Flint as we work collaboratively and collectively to realize our preferred future,” said Brown.
The Genesee County Committee for Community Peace (GCCCP) is composed of volunteers from all backgrounds, representing several organizations, joined to engage in activities that involve peace education, beautification of neighborhoods, and enhancing awareness of peace and unity in our community. In addition, the Committee recognizes and honors a Peace Maker every year at the Annual Peace Day Celebration. This annual event has been occurring for over two decades.