
Community News and Views

Community News and Views is a publication that provides MSU faculty, students, national leaders, scholars, community leaders, and practitioners, the opportunity to showcase and disseminate their most up-to-date research, ideas and practices, to a broad audience who are concerned with the revitalization of distressed communities nationwide.


EPR Updates

The MSU Center for Community and Economic Development is pleased to bring you our Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Newsletter. Strong EPR and effective circular economy policies and practices are integral to the sustainability and resilience of both our environmental and economic systems. To support ongoing collaboration, the development of EPR practices, and advance the circular economy in Michigan, we plan to share periodic updates on important issues within the field.


Current Issue:

CNV Vol. 36 No. 1 Fall 2024

Past Issues:

CNV Vol. 26. No. 2. Fall 2016

CNV Vol. 26. No. 1. Spring 2016

CNV Vol. 25 No. 1. Spring 2015

CNV Vol. 25 No. 2. Fall 2014

CNV Vol. 24 No. 1. Spring 2014

*Please contact our office at 517-353-9555 or ced@msu.edu if you would like a copy of one of our reports/publications.