News in EPR

The Michigan State University Center for Community and Economic Development is pleased to bring you our first extended producer responsibility (EPR) newsletter! Strong EPR and effective circular economy policies and practices are integral to the sustainability and resilience of both our environmental and economic systems. To support ongoing collaboration, the development of EPR practices, and advance the circular economy in Michigan, we plan to share periodic updates on important issues within the field.
Other news
Our MI Circular Economy Forum summary report is now available! This paper outlines our process of collaboration and consensus-building around ways to advance the circular economy in Michigan. This text serves not only as a launching point for the circular economy and the related practice of extended producer responsibility initiatives in the state but as a blueprint for knowledge networking. Building a More Sustainable Economy in Michigan: Priority Actions for Supporting an Extended Producer and Circular Economy -Read the Report
Michigan House of Representatives introduces bottle deposit alterations. Earlier this year, representatives in the MI House introduced a bill that could change the bottle bill as we know it. HB 5423 seeks to restructure the allocation of unclaimed bottle deposits. If passed, the legislation would reduce the amount allotted to EGLE, distributing the balance to beverage distributors and law enforcement. Read More: Bridge: MI Environment Watch, HB 5423 Bill Summary
What’s wrong with burning garbage?
In Michigan, Waste-to-Energy incineration is considered renewable energy under the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standards. This not only allows the state to claim such facilities towards their renewable energy goals but qualifies incineration operations for renewable energy subsidies. In this month’s GreenBiz report, energy analysts breakdown why burning garbage isn’t a sustainable or equitable solution to our energy and landfill problems and what roles businesses play in this front. Read More.