EPR News Update

MSU CCED EPR Updates, News in Extended Producer Responsibility, September 2020

The Michigan State University Center for Community and Economic Development is pleased to bring you our extended producer responsibility (EPR) newsletter! Strong EPR and effective circular economy policies and practices are integral to the sustainability and resilience of both our environmental and economic systems. To support ongoing collaboration, the development of EPR practices, and advance the circular economy in Michigan, we plan to share periodic updates on important issues within the field.

Other News

Governor Whitmer Announces MI Healthy Climate Plan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-182 and Executive Directive 2020-10 to create the MI Healthy Climate Plan. The governor’s comprehensive plan works to protect Michiganders’ public health and the environment and help develop new clean energy jobs by putting Michigan on a path towards becoming fully carbon-neutral by 2050. -Read More

Michigan Environmental Compliance Week Recordings This webinar series curriculum includes sessioned that focus on how to comply with air, waste, and water regulations, as well as sessions that will cover environmental remediation and emergency planning/response. Session of interest - Part 115 Statutory Changes: Refocusing Michigan’s Solid Waste Program -View this Session

To access recordings, enter code “2020MECW” -View the Recordings



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